CCT Territory Wide Back To School Drive Wraps Up Supplying Hundreds With School Supplies Dubbed As Heartwarming
CCT’s Back to School campaign, held territory wide, wrapped up on Wednesday, September 11th on Jost Van Dyke.
CCT’s Public Relation and Marketing Coordinator, Ms. Jerilee T. Hopkins said, “We provided over 1,000 students with backpacks filled with school supplies and it was heartwarming to see the students’ response and appreciation which really showed us that we were really meeting a need in the community.”
“We intend to continue this campaign yearly and we thank all for the support and welcoming into each community,” Ms. Hopkins added.
The two-week long Back to School drive was held from August 31st to September 11th on Tortola, Virgin Gorda, Anegada, and Jost Van Dyke along with presentations to Brilliant Hands and Minds Learning Centre; Sea Cows Bay Methodist Church; Elmore Stoutt Junior High School and ZCCR Radio Station Back to School Drive.
CCT will remain active and involved in the community supporting the BVI in the rebuilding process along with tackling issues that affect the territory. To view highlights from CCT’s Back to School Drive visit CCT BVI Facebook page.